AI Art created by Eric Boulter using the poetry of Zen Master Sebastian Rizzon
Each image was created using a stanza from the poem Love: The Light of the Mind. The final image used the input of the entire poem.
I met Eric while vending my greeting cards at The Hive Gardenfest. He looked at my cards and really liked the poem Love: The Light of the Mind. He asked if I would mind if he used the words as input for an artificial intelligence art generating program. At first I was skeptical, but I was also very curious. I told him to go for it. It's hard to argue with the results. I was blown away by the finished product and amazed at how similar some of these were to my conceptual drawings and the imagery I had imagined to write the poem. I know this is controversial to some artists, but I'm fascinated by the possibilities.
-Zen Master Sebastian Rizzon